
Why You Should Vote

Use your vote and make your voice count. You have the power to make key decisions on the quality of island life you want for yourself, your family, and the community. Voting is your chance to stand up for the issues you care about. 

5 Reasons Why You Should Vote

1. Elections have consequences. Every vote matters.
2. It’s your right. Not voting is giving up your voice.
3. It's your money. Your chance to choose how your tax is spent.
4. Voting is an opportunity for change.
5. The community depends on you!

Remember that many people in countries around the world do not have the freedom to vote. No matter what you believe or whom you support, it is important to exercise your rights.

Voting for States Members

Voting in Alderney’s elections gives you the power to decide how the Island is run. The 10 States Members you help to elect will be making important decisions on issues that you care about, including among other things Health & Care, Housing, Transport and the Environment.

By voting in the election you can support candidates who will represent your views in government and can influence the policy issues you care about. If you don’t vote, you’ll have had no say over who will be making decisions on the issues that are important to you.

Voting for Alderney's President

Voting for Alderney's President ensures you support the person who you feel will best represent the citizenship of Alderney in official matters throughout the Bailiwick and wider world. Choosing a strong and effective president can help guide the island's government who make decisions that directly affect you and the community.

Voting for Guernsey Representatives

Voting for Alderney’s representative in the the States of Guernsey (Plebiscite Election) is vital for ensuring that the island’s interests are safeguarded and that its residents have a voice in the governance of the Bailiwick. By electing strong representatives, Alderney can maintain a degree of influence and autonomy within the Bailiwick, ensuring that its distinct identity and needs are respected in the broader governance framework.

Eligibility to Vote

How to Vote