
How to Vote

Voting in Person

If you are registered on the Electoral Roll you can vote in person at The Island Hall.

The Island Hall will be open from 9.30am to 6.30pm on the day of an election.

  • States Members Election 
Saturday 16 November - 9.30am to 6.30pm
  • President Election
Saturday 30 November - 9.30am to 6.30pm
  • Guernsey Representative
Saturday 7 December - 9.30am to 6.30pm

Give your name and address to the staff inside the Island Hall when you arrive. You’ll be given a ballot paper containing a list of the people you can vote for.

Please note, each registered voter is entitled to one ballot paper. Voters who have been issued with a postal vote will not be issued with a ballot paper at The Island Hall.

Electoral fraud is a criminal offence.

Voting by Post

Using a postal vote, you can take as much as time as you want to fill in the ballot paper from the comfort of your home, and you can safely return your vote in the post. It removes the need to visit the Island Hall to cast your vote.

You may also apply for a postal vote if you want to vote by post, for example if:

• you’re off island

• have a medical issue or disability

Apply for a Postal Vote

All registered voters who have opted for a postal vote will be sent a postal vote to their confirmed postal vote address.

Please note:

• voting slips will not be posted until they have been printed following the closure of the nomination process.

• it is your responsibility to check postal collection times to ensure your postal vote will arrive before the deadline.

• completed postal votes may also be dropped off to the Island Hall on election day if the return postal deadline has been missed.

Voting by Proxy

If you’re unable to vote in person you can ask someone to vote on your behalf. This is called a proxy vote.

You can only apply for a proxy vote under certain circumstances, including:

• being off island on election day

• having a medical issue or disability

• not being able to vote in person because of work

Your proxy should be someone you trust to vote on your behalf. You’ll need to tell them which candidate(s) you want to vote for.

Apply for a Proxy Vote


Applications for both postal and proxy voting must be registered with the Chief Executives Office at least two working days prior to the election.
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