How Government Works
Every proposal is different, but the journey from idea to debate by the States of Alderney typically involves the same steps.

An idea or proposal emerges from events, public opinion or a States' Member, and is developed to a point where it can be tabled in the form of a report which can be considered by Committee.

The report which in most cases would be prepared by Civil Servants and include technical information, financial, social, economic implications about the proposal and would provide evaluation of the pros and cons giving a balanced and impartial view of the question or topic.

The Committee will then resolve based on recommendations included in the report on how to proceed with the matter.

Resolutions resulting from the report are then acted on by the Civil Service or Members in some cases, ensuring that Members of the relevant Committee are kept appraised of progress.

If necessary, the Committee will then take the recommendation(s) to the States Assembly.

A formal policy letter would then be drafted by Civil Servants on behalf of the Committee and submitted for inclusion in a Billet, the formal agenda for the States of Alderney. The Billet is then published, and the topic or proposal is open to public and media discussion.

The States assembly will then debate the topic and make a resolution at a States Meeting.

States' Members and Civil Servants have very distinct and different responsibilities throughout this process.

States Members are responsible for the instigation and approval of policy, and then for scrutiny of its implementation. Civil Servants provide research, policy development and report drafting as policy is formed, and are then responsible for implementing policy operationally.

This simple distinction can be the cause of confusion between States Members and Civil Servants if the proper separation between their responsibilities is not observed. So, for example, when policy proposals' pros and cons are being identified and considered, Civil Servants must take great care to present them objectively and without political bias.

Similarly, when technical expertise is needed to ensure successful operational implementation of a policy, this should be handed to Officers with the required experience and expertise without political involvement. Recognising those lines and distinctions makes for quicker, more effective and efficient working of Government for the benefit of the community.

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